Wednesday 25 June 2014

Spend Less on Smartest Nutrition Strategy


1: Avoid Temptation
"My husband and I keep very little food in the house. We cook just enough for the two of us, so there are few leftovers in the fridge, and we don't keep fattening snacks around. If either of us has a craving for something -- my favorite is pizza -- we're forced to go out for it."

--Erin O'Reilly, 20, Atlanta

Why It Works: 

Erin and her husband have joined forces to make their home a temptation-free zone - a way to ensure that they both win at weight loss. But eliminating snacks completely can backfire (even Erin admits to cravings). The trick is to stock up on healthy snacks, like fruits, vegetables, popcorn and rice cakes.

2: Fill Up On Fiber
"To boost my fiber intake, I mix a high-fiber cereal with my Cheerios and eat a lot more fruits and vegetables."

--Amy Rayko, 27, Chicago

Why It Works: 

The American Heart Association advises getting at least 25 grams of fiber daily to help ward off disease. A USDA study found that increasing fiber intake from 12 to 24 grams blocks the absorption of up to 90 calories a day. But beware: If you adopt Amy's tips all at once, you may be plagued by cramping and bloating. Zelman suggests adding a few sprinkles of high-fiber cereal (with at least five grams per serving) to your regular brand, working toward a 50-50 ratio over the course of a few weeks. And, most important, drink plenty of fluids.

3: Plan Your Meals
"As a vegetarian, I need to be extra careful about getting enough protein and B vitamins. To help me keep track, I plan out daily menus for each week, so I know I'm meeting my body's needs."

--Holly Snyder, 42, State College, Pennsylvania

Why It Works: 

Eating healthfully does require some advance though, and taking the time to evaluate your body's nutritional needs is an integral part of the process. But Holly's meticulous attention to meal planning may not be realistic for everyone. The solution: Take baby steps. First, keep a food diary for at least a week, so you can identify what nutrients you're lacking, how many calories you're taking in, etc., suggests Joan Knoll, R.D., a dietitian at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center's Weight Management Center. Then make small corrections: an extra serving of vegetables one day, two extra servings of fruit the next.

4: Add a Protein Punch
"Instead of eating just oatmeal or cereal, I scramble an egg every morning as well. Since I started adding protein to my breakfasts, I have a lot more energy to get through my morning workout."

--Laura Katz, 26, Chelmsford, Massachusetts

Why It Works: 

Typical breakfast fare -- a bagel and cream cheese, a muffin, fruit -- doesn't always offer enough protein to keep you going all morning (especially if you exercise). A morning meal should supply at least a quarter of your daily needs for calories, protein, fiber and fat, according to Liz Applegate, Ph.D., a sports nutritionist and author of Eat Smart, Play Hard (Rodale Press, 2001).

5: Don't Drink Calories
"I stay away from caloric beverages like soda. I even skip juice and eat whole fruit instead."

-- Laura Gatland, 24, Chicago

Why It Works: 

Few of us remember to count the calories we drink -- and some drinks can be surprisingly caloric. Even worse, Purdue University researchers found that people who consumed 450 calories' worth of jellybeans instinctively reduced their caloric intake the rest of the day, while those who drank 450 calories' worth of soft drinks didn't. But not all drinks are unhealthy. "Citrus juices, in particular, are a great way to get vitamin C, especially if you're on the go," says Zelman. Just stick to a four-ounce glass (roughly 50 calories).

6: Graze All Day
"I carry around healthy snacks -- pretzels, carrots, fruit, nuts and low-fat granola -- to nibble on all day."

--Nichole Marioni, 29, Boston

Why It Works: 

Eating several small meals a day keeps your blood-sugar levels stable, so you suffer fewer energy highs and lows. If you're not careful, though, you could end up eating more than you think. Measure out individual half-cup servings before you start the day.

7: Cut Caffeine
"I no longer rely on coffee to keep me going in the morning, and I actually feel more energized now. I hardly ever get that slump I used to feel by lunchtime."

--Stephanie Mohr, 27, Findlay, Ohio

Why It Works: 

Stephanie's right -- caffeine may give you a temporary lift, but it won't sustain you. Too much can also disrupt your sleeping patterns, making you feel groggy in the morning. But it's important not to quit cold turkey, or you'll suffer withdrawal symptoms(headaches, irritability and jitteriness). Gradually dilute your morning cup with decaf, or eliminate one diet soda a day. Keep track of hidden caffeine sources, like coffee-flavored ice cream and yogurt, and some pain relievers.

8: Get at Least Five a Day
"I keep a dish of fruit and a container of celery and carrot sticks on my desk. Now, instead of going to the vending machine for a snack, I just reach into my bowl."

--Tracy Weaver, 31, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania

Why It Works: 

Anyone who meets the five-a-day goal deserves an A for effort; the phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables can slow aging and protect you from disease. But researchers agree that give servings in a minimum. You should be getting almost double that. For extra protection, be sure that the fruit bowl's filled with lots of different-colored fruits and vegetables, to ensure that you get a broad spectrum of disease-fighting compounds.

9: Downsize Portions
"I bought a food scale and started measuring out my portions. I was shocked to see that I'd been eating four or five servings of pasta without knowing it."

--Jessica Matyascik, 29, New York City

Why It Works: 

Measuring pasta and cereal, as well as weighing meats and cheeses, can save hundreds of calories a day. A half cup of cooked grains or pasta, three ounces of meat or poultry, four ounces of fish, a cup of yogurt and an ounce of hard cheeses all count as a single serving. Even if you feel confident eyeballing portions, use a scale or measuring cup every few weeks to remind yourself; without a refresher course, people get less and less accurate, according to research.

10: Remember: Fat Can Be Your Friend
"I try to include a small amount of fat -- whether it's a drizzle of olive oil, a sprinkling of cheese or a smear of peanut butter -- in every snack or meal."

--Emily Lapkin, 27, New York City

Why It Works: 

Without fat, your body can't absorb some antioxidants, such as lycopene, beta-carotene and vitamins D, K and E. New research also suggests that very low-fat diets may not be effective in the long run. People who follow a moderate-fat, reduced-calorie eating plan feel more satisfied and are better able to stick with a diet than people who restrict their fat intake to less than 20 percent of calories.

11: Don't Forget Water
"I always feel more refreshed in the morning after drinking a tall glass of water. It also keeps me from overeating at breakfast."

--Jill Shockey, 28, State College, Pennsylvania

Why It Works: 

Water is essential to preventing fatigue and bloating and keeps your whole body functioning optimally. You need at least 64 ounces daily -- even more when you work out regularly. Keeping hydrated should be an ongoing process; drink an eight-ounce glass every two hours. That way, drinking water becomes a regular habit instead of a once-a-day chore.

Wednesday 18 June 2014

How does HIGH GLYCEMIC FOODS makes you FAT: Explained

Wonder why you are always eating but you still crave for more after a short while?


Sunday 15 June 2014



We tend to overeat and still be undernourished. One possible explanation is that we overeat because we *are* undernourished. 

Overeating is a perhaps a natural craving which attempts to
increase our vitamin intake. The problem is, the more we eat, the more vitamins we need to metabolize the food, specifically more of the B-vitamins and more lipid-protective vitamin E. And the more we eat to try to get these nutrients, the more calories we take in, and the more we add weight.

The way out is to just get off that train. Dieters, take your vitamins. You need plenty of them every day. You also need plenty of water every day. Unless you have a limiting medical condition, you
do NOT need food every day. If you are overfat, you do not even need food every WEEK. Fat is stored food. So use it! Make your body go to your fat reserves and burn 'em... by simply not
eating. Drink lots of vegetable juice for fluids and electrolytes (minerals) and for some carbohydrate. The carbohydrates prevent ketosis and spare protein. So you will not poop out, and
you will not lose muscle doing this. You will gain energy, and you will lose fat.

I often get the most work done when I fast. This is illogical, yet true. While fasting, I still take lots of vitamin C, with calcium as a buffer, and I drink lots of water alternating with veggie juice or
watered-down fruit juice, as well as a multiple vitamin several times daily. 


Friday 13 June 2014

DIY: Avoiding Personal Bancruptcy


Making your financial situation under control is like finding the right balance in your life. And as any other things that life throws at us, finances doesn’t come as the easiest and most convenient to manage. There always comes a time wherein you’d get broke and cash-strapped and you have no other option but to borrow money.

We know it’s easier said than done, but it’s better for you to be reminded on how to avoid pitfalls that will make you suffer financially:

1. Re-align your mindset.

The most important factor to recover from an awful situation is to change your mindset. If you keep on instilling in yourself that it’s hard for you to recuperate – that you don’t want to change your situation – it will really be hard for you. The first, least and most possible thing you can do is to be positive about your situation plus your corresponding plan and action points. Worrying can only attract more negativity and will lead you to nothing.

2. Modifying your lifestyle.

The golden rule about saving is to spend within your means – it is the direct reason why people gets broke – awful spending. Here are some scenarios:
High cost of living – this means your home and all your utility bills. Experts say that you should only spend around a one-third of your income on these kinds of expenses. If you’re spending more now, try to make some changes by finding a roommate, or look for a cheaper apartment. You can also cut your least used utilities like cables and mobile plans.
Dining out – it is indisputably cheaper to make yourself a home-cooked meal (and much tastier). Dining out needs more time, effort and usually money for transportation – plus the food itself. The price of the meal you bought outside is a combination of all the ingredients, cook’s fee, transportation expenses profit of the seller, tax, and more. Tweak your lifestyle a bit when it comes to food, it’s also a nice hobby.
Socialized spending – in line with food, there is this unspoken rule when it comes spending when you’re going out in groups. Going out with friends always come with costs, but that doesn’t mean that you have to break the bank out of shame. Spend time together, but don’t spend much money while making it possible.

3. Manage debts wisely.

Credit is okay as long as you know how to manage it. In fact, it’s easier for you to get loans when you need it if you have a credit history. Your financial history is the basis of financial institutions on gauging your repayment behavior.

Your financial management can affect all other aspects in your life. If you are indebted to anyone, your emotional state, because of stress and worrying, could also be in expense. If you are not, you could have a more positive outlook in life.

How you manage your personal finances – income, expenses and debt – will take effect on why you can’t keep up on being broke. The message is simple: you just have to walk the talk – being broke is a choice.